Virginia Association of Destination Marketing Organizations
Tourism Leadership Institute
In Partnership with the Virginia Tourism Corporation
Session I – Berry Hill, South Boston, Virginia
September 24-25, 2024
Transformative Leadership: Discovering Styles and Best Practices for Tourism Excellence
Session I of the VADMO Tourism Leadership Institute (VTLI) will start at the beginning of participants’ leadership journey and focus on various aspects of Leadership. Participants will examine leadership fundamentals and how Leading differs from Managing. Topics covered will also include Emotional Intelligence, Leading for Innovation, Collaborative Leadership, Handling Conflict, and Decision Making. Prior to the start of Session I, participants will complete a personality assessment to help them understand their own personal leadership style and how that applies to being a Leader.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Personality Assessment Results/Activities
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Perspectives on Leadership
12:45 pm Lunch
1:45 pm Emotional Intelligence
3:45 pm Break
4:00 pm Leading for Innovation
5:30 pm Break for Dinner/Work on Capstone Projects
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
8:00 am Breakfast
8:30 am Collaborative Leadership
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Handling Conflict
11:45 am Break (Brief Break/Grab Lunch)
12:00 pm Decision Making
12:45 pm Wrap-Up/Questions
Perspectives on Leadership
Examine leadership fundamentals and how Leading differs from Managing.
Learning Objectives
Recognize the importance of communication and visioning.
Learn about clarification of one’s core values.
Understand the complementary difference between managing and leading and how that might apply personally.
Emotional Intelligence
Learn what emotions you are communicating and how that helps problem-solving and managing relationships.
Learning Objectives
Learn a framework for identifying four basic feeling groups, what each is communicating to us, and how to make use of that information to seek resolution.
Increase awareness of one’s own feelings and how to use that awareness to increase one’s effectiveness.
Increase awareness of what may be happening with others, their feelings, and how to use that information to be more effective in interacting with them.
Examine how society labels expression of emotions as “acceptable” and “unacceptable” differentially based on identity, such as gender, race, neurodiversity.
Leading for Innovation
This session introduces personal barriers to creativity; an overview of Design Thinking; and pointers for creating a more innovative work environment.
Learning Objectives
Consider personal barriers to creativity.
Learn overview of ‘design thinking’ and its stages.
Learn key factors for developing a more innovative work environment.
Collaborative Leadership
Learn what makes Collaborative Leadership unique and challenging and gain insights and approaches to enhance effectiveness.
Learning Objectives
Learn that the term "collaboration" is used loosely and may actually refer to several different levels of partnering with others.
Examine various ways to learn.
Recognize the importance of communication and visioning.
Recognize the importance of cultural differences (even across organizations, like how they make decisions).
Understand the critical value of fostering Psychological Safety.
Recognize that conflict will surface. It’s inevitable.
Handling Conflict
Deepen understanding of what conflict actually is, the various approaches, and the critical skills for dealing with it effectively.
Learning Objectives
Reduce fear of conflict and learn how to increase conditions for healthy, productive conflict.
Learn the Dual Concern model and its 5 Conflict Modes.
Recognize implications for the modes you tend to practice.
Consider options for dealing with others whose approaches may hinder the process.
Learn and practice the critically important skill of Inquiring (deep listening with genuine curiosity).
Examine various Hidden Traps, Decision Types, and the Dynamics of Group Decision-Making.
Learning Objectives
Recognize potential traps to one’s own decision making.
Learn how clarifying the type of decision can enhance the decision-making process (and distinguish between consensus and consent).
Understand the typical components/process to decision-making and tendencies for groups (and understand what team member commitment means).

Mark Molitor
Lead Effectively
Mark Molitor is a leadership consultant. He co-designs and instructs in leadership development programs, consults with leadership teams, and coaches executives. He also serves as Director of Leadership Development for Leadership Triangle and on the faculty of the N.C. Rural Economic Development Center.
Early in his career Mark co-founded a software company that achieved a leadership position in the human service and nonprofit market. As Chairman and CEO for more than 11 years he led the company through substantial growth as well as a merger and two acquisitions to serve over 1,000 client organizations in all 50 states and Canada.
In a subsequent phase of his career, Mark specialized in collaboration, strategic visioning and innovation design facilitation. He has trained and worked with the founding developers of process methodologies such as DesignShop, Conference Model, Future Search, and Open Space Technology. He also facilitated dialogue groups of CEOs.
Mark has served in leadership roles throughout his life, such as president, CEO, chair, managing partner, cofounder, and team lead. In this phase of his career, he finds deepest fulfillment investing in others to enhance their leadership effectiveness and be their best selves. Mark believes that people are essentially good, innately creative, and able to continually learn and develop their skills.