VTLI Class of 2026
First Cohort - Learning Best Practices in Leadership

The VADMO Tourism Leadership Institute (VTLI) welcomed its first class at the Berry Hill Resort in Halifax/South Boston Virginia on September 24-25, 2024, and this inaugural class included 17 VADMO members representing a geographically diverse group of DMO professionals. It was a great opportunity for VADMO class participants to work with colleagues across the Commonwealth to understand their challenges and assets.
The focus for this first session was Leadership, and the class began instruction with a DISC Assessment program, which was lead by Christine Kennedy of the Lynchburg Business Alliance. The interaction in the group as they identified and verified their own personal leadership styles was very energetic and creative, and many interesting trends that can be applied to their local DMOs were identified.
Mark Molitor, a popular leadership consultant, guided the attendees through many leadership and strategic thinking models to include:
Perspectives on Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
Leading for Innovation
Collaborative Leadership
Handling Conflict
Decision Making
"This is an important program for the VADMO membership, and the takeaways from this coursework can be easily implemented in our daily and long-term decision matrix and strategic planning. It was a very positive and enlightening experience, and I am looking forward to Session II in Richmond in January," said Judy Winslow, VTLI Class of 2026 participant, Smithfield/Isle of Wight Tourism.
Meet the VTLI Class of 2026
First Row - l to r: James McCann - Portsmouth; Tracey Gardner - Madison County; Brooke Love - Carroll County; Mary Fugere - Hampton
Second Row - l to r: Erika Tolbert - Pulaski County; Patty Williams - Lexington; Casey Armstrong - Richmond Region Tourism; LaTonya Hamilton - Halifax; Laura Messer - VTC; Kelly Rowland - Martinsville
Third Row - l to r: Paige Read - Town of Culpeper; Ben Owen - Halifax; Judy Winslow - Smithfield/Isle of Wight; Ellen Frazier - Marion; Samantha Johnson - Staunton
Back Row - l to r: Lisa Meriwether - Danville; Justin Kerns - Winchester